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About Take your Jacket Travel & Culture blog

Hello and welcome to Take a Jacket!

I’m Henry and I’m here to help make the most of your travels and learn more about the world.

By visiting this travel blog, you’re off to a great start in planning and researching your future incredible travels (especially in a post-pandemic world – which will be soon hopefully!).

You’ve come to the right place for discovering and learning more about unique places and diverse cultures around the world, personal travel stories, along with expanding your mind with practical advice to help you travel cheaper and for longer.

The focus is on you and attainable experiences

This blog is aimed at, like myself, the average traveller who is budget-conscious but is driven and intent on exploring multiple countries in the face of limited time and money – who doesn’t love a good challenge?!

I want to show you what the travelling experience can be like as a budget-conscious and culture-curious traveller wanting to see and explore beyond touristy places around the world. It’s not glamorous – it is genuine and personal to reflect actual realities of budget travelling for most of us with constraint resources and without the luxury of sponsors – we have to make tough decisions based on limited time and money.

I want to show you experiences that are both authentic and, most importantly, attainable for most people without being sponsored by luxurious experiences that most cannot afford solely on their own.

We can’t have it all but we can still experience amazing lifetime travel memories.

My focus is 100% on you, the reader; the regular yet fearless traveller.

Looking down on the beautiful Valbona valley in Albania.

Substance over style

Preferring depth and substance over shallow style, my goal is to help you to cut through all the crap and share with you useful and practical travel information and tips in a concise, easy-to-read and entertaining way to help you spend less time on research and more time travelling.

This is done by giving you all the important information and links all in one place so you spend less time typing/copying and pasting/hunting for information.

On this blog, you’ll find:

  • Digestible, practical and entertaining advice and stories.
  • Tested and practical budgeting and money saving tips so you get more travel for less.
  • Insights into different countries and culture.
  • Stories from people from all walks of life around the world.

Hopefully you’ll learn and use your newfound knowledge to have a better travel experience while avoiding the costly mistakes I had made while travelling.

Be a curious traveller

Travel is a privilege that not everyone is able to do so always be thankful that you are able to do so.

You won’t find me bragging how many countries I’ve been to – you’ll learn this organically through the blog posts and stories shared. What’s more important is what you learn about the people and culture in your travel journey – and subsequently about yourself as well, going beyond your limits and comfort zone, along with dispelling any preconceived ideas about a country or place.

I hope to inspire you to not just travel to new or exciting places but also take the time to learn about the local people and culture.

Be less of a tourist obsessed with taking countless ‘perfect’ photos for social media and more of a curious traveller who is genuinely interested in local people and local stories.

Helping out at an NGO for children in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Are you ready to plan and set off on your travel adventures of a lifetime?

Get started now!

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