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Be more well-prepared and informed; Be a smarter traveller

The best kind of travellers are ones that are well-prepared and flexible, especially for any unpredictable situation they may encounter on the journey. Knowledge will make you wiser in the absence of experience.

Travel can be overwhelming, though not as much as the insane amount of travel information and advice out there that can be a bit too much to sift through – who has time for that?

On this page you’ll find general and specific resources and concise travel advice on accommodation, helpful websites and apps, gear, tech, food, finance and budgeting, and much more. This is all to help you to be extra prepared on your travel planning and journey (especially amidst a pandemic and a post-pandemic world).

It doesn’t matter what kind of travel adventures you’re embarking on, be it a weekend trip, a week long vacation, an around-the-world adventure or an extended backpacking experience on a budget  – all the resources here are to make you more informed and prepared to make your travel journey easier, longer, and cheaper.

What are you waiting for?

Let’s get started!


Travel Essentials

The essential things every traveller should have - featured image

Budgeting & Money tips

Should you book in your currency or local currency - featured image

Gear & Tech

gear and tech featured image


Top essential things you should look for in a Hostel - featured image

Food & Nutrition

Delicious majadara lentil and rice mixture with sauteed onions as a garnish on top.

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